100 Most Inspiring Addiction Recovery Quotes

best sobriety sayings

These quotes serve as a reminder that quitting alcohol is a courageous choice that leads to a healthier and more fulfilling life. It’s a mix of struggle and hope, but above all, it’s a brave step towards a brighter, sober future. Being sober is not just the absence of intoxicants but also a journey towards self-discovery, improved well-being, and a more fulfilling life. This is where our new start begins when clear-eyed sobriety opens our minds.

Why Do You Need Slogans in Recovery?

Read them aloud or put them somewhere where you will see them frequently. These alcohol addiction quotes can significantly impact your path to recovery. If you’re working on getting your life right and free from the grips of alcohol or substance abuse, you will have some tough days. You’ll need a quick pick-me-up or reminder of why you’re doing this. That’s why I put together these inspirational quotes to get recovering addicts through the tough days. You may have noticed that I love Russell Brand’s motivational quotes.

best sobriety sayings

Quotes for self-love

Now that I am nine months in, I do feel like being sober is much, much easier. Most days it feels like a natural part of myself, while other days it is a choice I have to make that day. I was just watching Parks and Recreation with my fiance, and Rob Lowe’s cutie little face made an appearance on the episode.

  • With all that silver on his face, Nux is so grateful that it looks like he’s going to cry, showing just how much psychological power Immortan Joe has over his subjects.
  • There is a very real consequence, and you have to deal with it.
  • Your breakthrough is coming and all the work you’re doing now is preparing you to receive it.
  • Drawing inspiration from quotes can provide the necessary encouragement and motivation to navigate the daily struggles and celebrate the victories along the way.

Quotes on Healing and Growth

best sobriety sayings

Instead of focusing on the negative, try to remember that this period of time, no matter how dark, will end. The sun always comes out again eventually, just as good times will return. “This, too, shall pass” is particularly useful in recovery when your body and mind are experiencing discomfort, pain, and stress. Similar to “One day at a time,” the slogan “Easy does it” reminds you that you do not have to have this entire recovery journey figured out all at once.

best sobriety sayings

Trending Quotes!

  • I don’t really consider myself “in recovery,” but I definitely relate to this quote.
  • Not everyone will struggle with addiction but everyone has something in their life that they are trying incredibly hard to get through.
  • Artists offer a glimpse into how addiction can be expressed in multiple forms.
  • The thing is, if I don’t have sobriety, I don’t have anything.
  • “Lots of people will say, ‘Oh, I can stop drinking anytime I want’ but then go back when it turns out to be harder than they thought,” says Dr. Heinzerling.

There are various therapeutic solutions and treatment options available to individuals in need of help and guidance. During the journey of addiction recovery, each day brings its own set of challenges and triumphs. Drawing inspiration from quotes can provide the necessary encouragement and motivation to navigate the daily struggles and celebrate the victories along the way. Here are some inspiring quotes to help individuals on their path to sobriety. These and other addiction recovery quotes are a great way to facilitate the process of early recovery.

Witnessing someone else’s death isn’t new to Nux, and his enthusiasm for it clearly hasn’t gone away. Nux’s character arc wouldn’t be full without raving exclamations like this, as he ends the movie with a totally sobriety sayings different mindset. An important part of recovery is actively working to resist impulsive behavior. The phrase “Think, think, think” encourages you to reflect before you make a decision or take action.

Quotes Guiding Your Journey

  • Alongside these quotes, books, movies, and TV shows about rehabilitation and addiction recovery can inspire and motivate.
  • For example, you may be inclined to think about recovery in terms of many daily fitness goals and include spending time exercising each day as a part of your recovery process.
  • Find inspiration in these addiction recovery quotes.
  • They crystallize our beliefs and drive our behavior—including helping and inspiring us to heal in the case of positive self-affirmation.

It’s about making a conscious choice to abstain from these substances to achieve a clear and healthy state of mind and body. Join us in discovering the strength, healing, and hope embedded in these quotes, supporting individuals as they navigate the challenges of sobriety. In the beginning 5-7 days may not seem like much to some, but for those on this path, it’s a milestone—a week of courage, resilience, and the beginning of rediscovering oneself. Achieving mental health is at the core of recovery and is at the heart of all the positive changes we have experienced. My sober journal is a gratitude journal where I incorporate inspirational quotes and little doodles with my favorite gel pens.

best sobriety sayings

Recovery is a process that needs to be continued until the day we pass on. Those changes for those of us in recovery do contain our salvation. Perhaps the most difficult thing to achieve in the 9th step promises is not regretting the past. Being in recovery has given me everything of value that I have in my life. Integrity, honesty, fearlessness, faith, a relationship with God, and most of all, gratitude. I approach sobriety with the same mentality I approached sports with.

Use our proud sober anniversary quotes to encourage a loved one to stay on the path to recovery and better health. Tell them your happy sober anniversary quotes and lift their spirits too. We’re https://ecosoberhouse.com/ here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.

best sobriety sayings

The first time Nux utters it, he seems no different from any of the other war boys giving chase to the war rig. The sun has fallen, the war rig needs to cool down, and Immortan Joe’s army is approaching. Max is in the driver’s seat, unwilling to move, waiting for Immortan Joe and his army to come. Furiosa’s obviously on the verge of panicking, but Max has just met her and doesn’t trust her at all. He tried to drive the war rig himself, but it required a specific key to move for longer than just a few seconds.